Afro-Asian Literature is a term for novels or writing such as poems written by people from mixed African-Arab ethnicity, or African-Asian ethnicity. In modern times, a part of world literature, Afro-Asian Literature is a separate segment of writing (in English) of experiences in African and Asia to further cultural understanding and world peace. Afro-Asian Literature is the literature from the whole Africa and Asia. These literature include stories, myths and others.
The study of Literature has one important object htat is to know the human being and Human beings have a dual nature: they are not only doers of actions but also dreamers of dreams. It is said that behind every book is the human being, behind every human being is the race, and behind every human race is the whole world of humankind. In studying Literature, it helps the students to easily relate to situations and experiences new to them. Also it is a simple enjoyment and appreciation; the other, of analysis and description.When we listen to a song that appeals to the heart, for the moment at least, we discover a new world of dreams and fancies. May be this is less joyous but nevertheless, an important skills developed.
The study of Literature has one important object htat is to know the human being and Human beings have a dual nature: they are not only doers of actions but also dreamers of dreams. It is said that behind every book is the human being, behind every human being is the race, and behind every human race is the whole world of humankind. In studying Literature, it helps the students to easily relate to situations and experiences new to them. Also it is a simple enjoyment and appreciation; the other, of analysis and description.When we listen to a song that appeals to the heart, for the moment at least, we discover a new world of dreams and fancies. May be this is less joyous but nevertheless, an important skills developed.
Great job Mary Cris. You have a nice information about afro-asian literary works signify.